
We are a group of people with complementary skills required to complete our tasks. We operate with a high degree of compassion and responsibility and aim to bring on the good in the academic world, industry and society.

  • Stefano Brusoni has been Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the D-MTEC since 2011. His current work focuses on the analysis of the obstacles to Innovation and change, at the individual and organizational level. The Former line of work is, to a large exten, experimental in nature. The Second line of work is instead mainly field-based, developed in Kollaboration with several organizations engaged in the so-called digital Transformation. Research has led to several Papiers in various Journals, and also two start-ups (Spark Works and Sparkademy).

  • Group Leader

    Anja Niedworok is a former PhD student of the Chair Technology and Innovation Management at ETH Zurich. The focus of her thesis are framing and reframing processes in the solution process of ill-structured problems. Beside that she was responsible for the Innovation Departement at the Chamber of Commerce in Tyrol. Now she leads the project “Cooperatives in a changing world” at ETH Zurich.

  • Postdoc Researcher

    In the next 10 years, we need to profoundly reconsider our relationship with resources, consumption, and, ultimately, with each other. That's why she is dedicating her next years to researching cooperative organizational structures and resilience within the confines of the Mobiliar project. With a background in social sciences and organization and management research, she is passionate about contributing innovative ideas for both business and society.

  • Silvia Velmer is a PhD student in the Business Ethics Department of IESE Business School and currently visiting PhD student of the Chair Technology and Innovation Management at ETH Zurich. Her work focuses on ethics and organizational learning across organizational forms, especially socially oriented organizations. More specifically, she is interested in investigating how socially oriented organizations generate social impact. Before joining the PhD, she worked in an Italian social enterprise, whose aim is to provide vocational and technical education opportunities to young students.

  • Martin Gutmann is a lecturer at the Lucerne School of Business (HSLU-W) and a research member of the project “Cooperatives in a Changing World.” A historian by training, Martin has written on leadership, sustainability and international relations. His most recent work is Before the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. A Historical Companion.

  • Daniella Laureiro studies the cognitive antecedents of adaptive behavior in environments that change. She relies on theories and findings from neurosciences, psychology, innovation, and strategy, to understand creativity, decision-​making, problem-​solving, and learning. My previous research has examined the cognitive antecedents of decision-​making and problem-​solving in situations that involve tradeoffs (e.g. between exploration and exploitation, between profit and social outcomes, or between different temporal horizons).

  • Ann Xavier is a doctoral student at the Chair of Technology and Innovation Management at ETH Zürich. Before joining the group, she completed her master’s degree in cognitive science and applied psychology.

    Her primary research interest is in studying the cognitive antecedents of strategic decision-​making and problem-​solving. Currently, she is curious about understanding how conflicting goals impact cognitive processes and subsequent behaviors.

  • Zorica Zagorac-Uremovic currently studies the nature of particular individual abilities, such as creativity, prospective thinking, cognitive flexibility and integrative thinking. She is also interested to learn whether these abilities can be trained for the benefit of future business leaders, who want to rewire their brains for innovation and sustainable business too.


The Partnership Board will provide the formal leadership for the Partnership. It is responsible for setting strategic direction and providing a forum to make decisions together as Partners.


Partnership Board

  • Marta Kwiatkowski is Head of Social Engagement at La Mobilière. Before taking up this position, she was Deputy Head of Research at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Zurich. She had various leading positions in Marketing at the Swiss Federal Railways SBB, and prior to that, in the software industry. Before joining the GDI she was Head of Group Marketing at the SBB. In these positions, she focused on customer-centred topics as needs, behaviour preferences, loyalty, trust and incentive models. She lead various customer orientation projects in marketing, distribution and communication.

  • Steering Committee

    Michael Ambühl is the former Head of Chair of Negotiation and Conflict Management at ETH Zurich and the Director of the ETH Swiss School of Public Governance (SSPG). His teaching and research at ETH Zurich focuses on the theoretical background of negotiation engineering, different technical and applied negotiation schools of thought, mediation and conflict management, with the practical appreciation of negotiation based on his mathematical background and more than 30 years of experience as a Swiss diplomat and negotiator.

  • Stefano Brusoni has been Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the D-MTEC since 2011. His current work focuses on the analysis of the obstacles to Innovation and change, at the individual and organizational level. The Former line of work is, to a large exten, experimental in nature. The Second line of work is instead mainly field-based, developed in Kollaboration with several organizations engaged in the so-called digital Transformation. Research has led to several Papiers in various Journals, and also two start-ups (Spark Works and Sparkademy).